| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, I hope that you all enjoyed your winter vacations and our first week back at school! I want to share a few "housekeeping" items that are important for everyone to know. 1. It is time to re-enroll for next year! This is so important for us as in order to plan appropriately for next year, it is important that we hear from every family no later than January 17, 2012. If you have questions about the re-enrollment process, please be in touch with us. Each and every student and family is very important to us and we want you to be a part of our continued growth as a school! 2. Please remember that the weather outside has turned colder. Our students go outside for recess almost every day, so please be sure that your child comes to school with appropriate cold-weather gear--jacket, hat, gloves, and of course, snow pants and boots if we should ever get snow! The kids very much need and enjoy their time outside and we want everyone to be dressed appropriately! 3. Lastly, please DO NOT park in the bus/van lane during pick up time--please park in a regular parking space and walk in to get your child. Parking in the bus/van late makes it challenging for the bus and van and can cause a crowded and dangerous situation. I appreciate your attention to these items. I am looking forward to a great second half of the year. Our 8th grade is getting excited for their Israel trip, which departs on February 1 and there are so many wonderful things that are planned for all of our students both in their classrooms and as a whole school. Watch this weekly newsletter for more information and please remember that you are always welcome to visit us and join us in school! Shabbat Shalom
| KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: The Gaibel Family on Shira's Bat Mitzvah in Israel |
RECRUITMENT Calling all KSA Siblings & Friends... If you have a sibling or a friend who will be eligible for next year's Gan Aleph, Gan Bet, or any other grade, please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn. Any questions about Recruitment and/or Admissions please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. |
| | COMMUNITY NEWS - If you play Mah Jongg and would like to order your 2012 card, you can do so through the Sharon Chapter of Hadassah.
Standard size cards are $7 and large print are $8. Checks made out to Hadassah can be mailed to Freya Maltz, 5 Mulberry Lane, Canton, MA 02021. If any questions, call 781-562-2090. - The JCC Magic Ark Performing Arts Series for Families Presents Bubblemania
Special MLK Day performance Monday, January 16, 2012 Tickets are available online at bostonjcc.org/magicark or by calling 617-965-5226. - PARENTING YOUR TEEN...THROUGH A JEWISH LENS This eight-session program, offered at multiple convenient locations, fosters thoughtful discussion with a skilled facilitator. Click here for more information.
Pros pective Families Meeting Come join us for a special opportunity to learn about all that Camp Ramah in New England has to offer! Hear directly from parents and staff members about the Ramah experience, and the impact it can have. Please join us for an informational meeting at the home of Lena and Cantor Gastón Bogomolni: 15 Richard Road, Needham, MA 02494, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, January 25th, 2012. For more information and to RSVP, please contact: Josh Edelglass, Assistant Director, at joshe@campramahne.org OR Cantor Gastón Bogomolni, at cantorgaston@templealiyah.com. Parents and children are welcome! |
| | | CALENDAR January 11 Picture Retake Day January 12 Executive Comm Mtg January 13 MLK Day Assembly January 16 NO SCHOOL: MLK Day | KSPO HOT LUNCH SIGN-UP Deadline extended until Sunday, 1/8/12 at 9:00 P.M.
We are still looking for drivers for Sunday, March 4th to help deliver food for Family Table. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful family mitzvah opportunity!! |
Save the date! CHAIJINKS April 22, 2012 Honoring Susan and Stuart Salzberg, KSA parents and well respected community members. |
UPCOMING GAMES: Girls' Travel Sun 1/8 @ Home Mon 1/16 @ Home Boys' Varsity Sun 1/8 @ Home Thu 1/12 @ Charles River Mon 1/16 @ Home Boys' Jr. Varsity Sun 1/8 @ Home Thu 1/12 @ Charles River Come support our Hornets!! |
For your Birthday Parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rentals |
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