Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Invitation to a Parlor Meeting from KSA

Kehillah Schechter Academy

 January 11, 2012


 To our Parent community:


 As promised in an earlier letter by Michael Agus, President of the KSA Board of Trustees, we would like to invite you to attend one of two parlor meetings to discuss the school's financial situation and our plans to improve it.


 Our goals for these meetings are transparency and community-building. By working on both together, we will reinforce and sustain this outstanding school and make it even better and stronger. In attendance will be Marc Medwed, Russ Lavoie (Director of Finance & Operations), Michael Agus, and additional board Trustees. We will answer any questions you have to the best of our ability and engage you in a constructive conversation. Please feel free to submit questions in advance, anonymously if desired, to Nancy Anderson at


Details, including our generous and gracious hosts, are as follows:


Tuesday, January 24, 8:00-9:30pm: Laura Davis, 38 North Main Street, Sharon


Wednesday, February 15, 8:00-9:30pm: Avi & Alanna Goldberg, 26 Babcock Street, Brookline


Kosher refreshments will be served.


Please RSVP to Nancy ( to let us know if you plan to attend, and to which meeting you choose.


Thank you,


Marc Medwed                                                                                             Michael Agus

Head of School                                                                                           President of Board of Trustees


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