| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, Another wonderful week in school. This week, we were privileged to celebrate Rosh Hodesh Shvat as a whole school and everyone enjoyed the singing and dancing--always a highlight of our month and something that we look forward to celebrating together as a school. As our school spirit grows, I am excited to share that each student will be bringing home the new official KSA draw string back pack! This way, everyone can show their pride in our school wherever they go and need to bring things along! On a more serious note, today, January 27, is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The United Nations has declared this to be the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day. While this is a day different than Yom HaShoah, which is an important part of our lives as Jews and certainly an important part of our school culture, our 7th and 8th graders were invited to a JCRC program that was held at Newton South High School to commemorate the day. As the only Jewish day school in attendance, we felt that it was important for us to attend to give support for this international day of remembrance and to show our children how others in the world are remembering the Shoah. This year, it also coincides with the 8th grade unit on the Shoah in the Humanities course and next Friday, the 8th graders will visit Yad Vashem, Israel's Shoah museum to continue their learning. As I will be one of our staff taking our 8th graders to Israel (we leave on Wednesday morning), I will have the privilege of writing to you next week from Jerusalem! Be sure to look for our videos of the trip and our regular updates on the school blog. The Israel experience for our 8th graders is such an incredible opportunity and we look forward to sharing it with you every step of the way! Shabbat Shalom!
| KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: - Ariel Weil and family on his becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Condolences to: - Claudia Michaels Brodsky & family on the loss of her niece Beth Hershenson
KS A 6th & 7th GRADE REPORT CARDS are being mailed out the end of next week. Please be on the lookout! |
KSA PARLOR MEETING  Marc Medwed, Head of School, and Michael Agus, President of the Board of Trustees, invite you to attend a parlor meeting to discuss the school's financial situation and our plans to improve it. Please join us on Wednesday, February 15, 8:00-9:30 pm at the home of Avi & Alanna Goldberg, 26 Babcock Street, Brookline. Our goals for this meetings are transparency and community-building. By working on both together, we will reinforce and sustain this outstanding school and make it even better and stronger. In attendance will be Marc Medwed, Russ Lavoie (Director of Finance & Operations), Michael Agus, and additional board Trustees. We will answer any questions you have to the best of our ability and engage you in a constructive conversation. Kosher refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to office@ksa-ne.org to let us know if you plan to attend. |
KSA DRAW STRING BACK PACK  To help promote KSA spirit, we will be giving each student a purple KSA draw string back pack. These will be going home with your child(ren) this Friday...please be on the lookout!! |
LAST CHANCE TO HELP OUR 8TH GRADERS RAISE $$ TO SUPPORT SERVICES FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS IN ISRAEL - THEY'RE LEAVING FOR ISRAEL THIS WEDNESDAY!! Beit Halochem Website (Click here) Each year, our eighth graders collect money to donate to a special place in Israel during their 8th grade Israel trip. This year they will be collecting money and donating it to Beit Halochem Centre in Haifa, a place where injured soldiers participate in an outpatient program for physical therapy, especially those who have lost limbs. When our eighth graders travel to Israel next week, they will tour the facility, speak with the soldiers, and present our school's donation. We are hoping for 100% participation from our students - any donation amount will help to make a difference. Please send cash or checks (payable to KSA) to school by January 30th. Thank you for your assistance in helping us support this most important program. |
COMMUNITY NEWS IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRIES! ART CONTEST Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2012 Stop & Shop is looking for the best drawing of a healthy plate. Use the image below to learn what foods make up a healthy meal. Then, download a blank plate and create your own! Email to askaplus@cranecommunications.com or mail your healthy plates to: A+ School Rewards Attn: Coloring Contest 111 Presidential Blvd., Suite 252 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Be sure to include your name, school name, school ID, and grade on the back of the plate. There will be one winner from each age group (K-2 and 3-5). See official contest rules for more details. |
| | | | | CALENDAR February 1 - 12 8th Graders in Israel |  SCHOOL DELAY/ CANCELLATION INFO FOR 2011-2012 Click here |
RECRUITMENT  Calling all KSA Siblings & Friends... If you have a sibling or a friend who will be eligible for next year's Gan Aleph, Gan Bet, or any other grade, please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn. Any questions about Recruitment and/or Admissions please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. CLICK HERE to read about our great tuition referral incentive!! |
FAMILY TABLE We are still looking for drivers for Sunday, March 4th to help deliver food for Family Table. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful family mitzvah opportunity!! MONTHLY ADULT DISCUSSION GROUP Are you interested in captivating current topics that raise relevant questions for the Jewish people? Do you want to hear or read about an array of Jewish voices? We are trying to form a monthly adult discussion group using the "Sh'ma" online magazine as the basis of our thought provocing disscusions. We would like to start this in February, most likely in the morning after drop off. Please contact Marla Olsberg for more details. |
SUPPORT KSA PARTNERS Many local and family owned businesses are jumping at the chance to join our Partnership Program! Mike Katz, class of '99, from Bay State Residential Maintenance is thrilled to know he can give back to his alma mater and grow his business simultaneously. Call Mike, at (781) 801-2438, and knock those items off your 'punch' list, and Mike will give a portion of his revenue to KSA. In addition, Silpada Designs and VED Graphic Design are just a couple more examples of local companies who have agreed to support KSA when we use their services. Tell them you've heard of them from KSA when you patronize them and they will donate a percent of their profits to KSA. To view the full list of our Partners, and their services click here. |
SHOP AT STOP & SHOP AND EARN $ FOR KSA Every dollar you spend when you shop at Stop & Shop helps KSA, from now until March 29th. Please register your card and the points you earn will automatically transfer to KSA dollars. To register your card online click here Click here to register your card online and enter ID # 06954 . |
UPCOMING GAMES: Girls' Travel Mon 1/30 @ Newton 4:30 Boys' Varsity Mon 1/30 @ Newton 3:30 Tue 1/31 @ Home 4:30 Boys' Jr. Varsity Thu 2/2 @ Home 4:30 Come support our Hornets!! |
For your Birthday Parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rentals |
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