| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, As I wrote last week, we are in high season for re-enrollment and are looking forward to receiving everyone's forms so that we can begin our planning for next year. Again, if you have any questions or thoughts that you want to share, please be in touch with us, as we want to talk with you! As I have spoken about with many of you, one of our best methods of recruitment is word of mouth from our parents. So many of our newer students enrolled because they heard about our school from our current families. We are having a lot of fun meeting prospective families who are looking at the school as we give tours and hold meetings with so many people. If you know of anyone who would benefit from a KSA education (and who wouldn't?), please let us know. Please be in touch with Sandi Morgan Dunn and she will follow up. And don't forget--we have a referral incentive program that could benefit you. Our school is a wonderful place and does so much for our students, teachers, and families--let's spread the word, invite your friends and make sure that we are not the best kept secret in town, but rather the place everyone knows about and wants to join! On a separate note, Ivonne Krasnick, Nitzan Resnick and I are attending the North American Jewish Day School Conference in Atlanta this Sunday through Tuesday. We will all be back in school on Wednesday. This is an amazing opportunity as over 600 Jewish educators gather together, across all denominations, to share and learn together. We look forward to sharing with you when we return. School will continue on without us for the day and we will be on email while we are away. Shabbat Shalom!
| KSA NEWS  Welcome to New Students: - Forrest Rees in 5th Grade
- David Scher in 4th Grade
Todah Rabbah to: - Beth Kassup for driving our January collection to Family Table
Condolences to: - Allison Grossman & family on the loss of her grandfather (great-grandfather of Matthew, grade 4)
RECRUITMENT Calling all KSA Siblings & Friends... If you have a sibling or a friend who will be eligible for next year's Gan Aleph, Gan Bet, or any other grade, please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn. Any questions about Recruitment and/or Admissions please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. CLICK HERE to read about our great tuition referral incentive!! |
BUSINESS OFFICE Deadline Reminers Dear Parents, It is the time of year again to submit your Enrollment Contracts and deposits for the coming school year! Tuesday, January 17, 2012, the following items are due: Enrollment Contract for 2012-2013 $2000/child deposit Financial Aid applications (optional) and mailing your tax returns to FAST Please click www.sassds.org/business.html to be brought directly to the web page with all of this information, including Enrollment Contracts for returning students. Be sure to email me at sspector@ksa-ne.org with any questions. Shabbat Shalom! Sandy Spector Business Manager |
KSA IS ON THE AIR AGAIN!  As part of our efforts to increase name recognition in the greater community for Kehillah Schechter Academy, we will be running an ad on WERS 88.9 FM, the Emerson College radio station. The 20-second spots will air several times each Sunday in January between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. We're underwriting Chagigah which features Jewish and Israeli culture. |
LOST & FOUND ...has turned into just "LOST"...we need you to help in the "FOUND". Before we donate ALL coats, scarves, galoshes, snow pants, lunch boxes, etc., etc., etc, that have found their way here...PLEASE take a look! Our cleansing of the area will take place on Friday, January 20th. There really are some VERY nice items in this collection...you might want to rescue what's yours!! |
| | COMMUNITY NEWS - Open doors with Delet and inspire the Jewish future: Become a Jewish day school teacher. The Delet (Day school leadership through teaching) program at Brandeis University offers a unique opportunity to earn a Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) from Brandeis University and Massachusetts teaching license through a 13 month program that prepares Jewish studies, general studies or (new this year!) Hebrew teachers for the elementary grades in Jewish day schools. Delet combines coursework closely integrated with a year-long internship in a local day school classroom under the guidance of a trained mentor teacher. Click here for further information.
| | | CALENDAR January 16 NO SCHOOL: MLK Day January 18 Incoming Kindergarten Screenings | KSPO HOT LUNCH LAST WEEK of Session 2 Hot Lunch is through Thursday, 1/19. Session 3 begins Monday, 1/23. |
KSA SHABBATON Our first Shabbaton meeting will be taking place Thursday, 1/26, at 8:00 AM. We would love your ideas and input. Please join us. RSVP if you haven't already spoken to Marla. FAMILY TABLE We are still looking for drivers for Sunday, March 4th to help deliver food for Family Table. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful family mitzvah opportunity!! |
SHOP AT STOP & SHOP AND EARN $ FOR KSA From now through March 29th, for every dollar you spend, you'll help KSA. Just register your card and it will happen automatically every time you shop. Click here to register your card online: www.stopandshop.com/aplus and enter ID # 06954 |
GIVE YOUR BUSINESS TO KSA PARTNERS  Several local companies have agreed to donate a percent of their profits to KSA when we use their services. Just tell them you heard of them from KSA. Arch Orthodontics, J.D. Levine Photography and ReMax Real Estate are just a couple of examples. To view the full list of our Partners, click here. |
WINTER RUACH  If you haven't yet read the latest edition of our newsletter, click here.
UPCOMING GAMES: Girls' Travel Mon 1/16 @ Home 4:30 Thur 1/19 @ Home 4:15 Sun 1/22 @ Maimo 10:30 Boys' Varsity Mon 1/16 @ Home 3:30 Sun 1/22 @ Maimo 12:00 Come support our Hornets!! |
For your Birthday Parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rentals |
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