| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, As we close out the calendar year, I want to wish you all a wonderful vacation. Whether you will be traveling or at home, I hope that you will have the opportunity to enjoy some quality family time. Vacations from school are also a chance for our students to recharge their batteries and gear up for the second half of the year. We are so excited for everything that is to come and we look forward to sharing it with you as our children continue to learn and grow. Read a good book, enjoy some outdoor activities, take in a museum, and most of all, enjoy! See you in 2012!
| KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: - Hana Berman and family on the birth of her first grandchild
- Miriam Klausner & family on the upcoming marriage of her daughter, Ellie, to Ezra Pinsky
Todah Rabbah to: - KSPO for providing school wide sufganyot for Hanukkah this year
- The Bernstein, Smirnov & Friedberg-Weil families for hosting our fabulous in-home Hanukkah parties
Condolences to: - Nancy Hait & family on the loss of her mother, Carole Charney-Herman, grandmother of Emma in Gan Bet
Shabbaton 2012 Are you looking for a way to get involved in the KSA community? Do you want to become involved in one of the most fun events of the entire year? We are forming a committee to plan the Shabbaton which will take place at Camp Ramah New England from June 1 - 3. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful opportunity!! We would love to have your ideas and energy! |
RECRUITMENT Calling all KSA Siblings & Friends... If you have a sibling or a friend who will be eligible for next year's Gan Aleph, Gan Bet, or any other grade, please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn. Kindergarten and 1st Grade screening letters have been sent out so please submit applications right away. Any questions about Recruitment and/or Admissions please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. |
| | COMMUNITY NEWS is hosting "Chanukah on Ice" @ Patriots Place on December 25th. Click on their website for more info: www.chanukahonicema.com. - PARENTING YOUR TEEN...THROUGH A JEWISH LENS
This eight-session program, offered at multiple convenient locations, fosters thoughtful discussion with a skilled facilitator. Click here for more information. - CAMP RAMAH IN NEW ENGLAND
Pros pective Families Meeting Come join us for a special opportunity to learn about all that Camp Ramah in New England has to offer! Hear directly from parents and staff members about the Ramah experience, and the impact it can have. Please join us for an informational meeting at the home of Lena and Cantor Gastón Bogomolni: 15 Richard Road, Needham, MA 02494, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, January 11th, 2012. For more information and to RSVP, please contact: Josh Edelglass, Assistant Director, at joshe@campramahne.org OR Cantor Gastón Bogomolni, at cantorgaston@templealiyah.com. Parents and children are welcome! |
UPCOMING GAMES: Girls' Travel Thu 1/5 @ Home Boys' Varsity Thu 1/5 @ Dedham CD Boys' Jr. Varsity Thu 1/5 @ Dedham CD Come support our Hornets!! |
| | | CALENDAR December 23 All School Candlelighting Dec 24 - Jan 2 NO SCHOOL: Winter Break January 3 School Resumes K - 5 Report cards will be mailed in early January Picture Retake Day Wed Jan 11th @ 9:30 AM |  SCHOOL DELAY/ CANCELLATION INFO FOR 2011-2012 Click here |
Take advantage right now with an end of year charitable gift contribution. Please help us to achieve 100% parent participation by making your gift today!Every gift counts and is important, no matter how small or large.
Click here to donate online or call the Institutional Advancement Office at (781)769-9400. |
AUCTION NEWS Thank you to all who participated in the auction, whether you helped in donating items, made bids on items, referred people to the auction or won an item or two, your support to KSA is most appreciated. For those who have won an auction item: If you have not yet made arrangements to pick up your item, call the Institutional Advancement Office at 781-769-9400 or contact auction@ksa-ne.org ASAP. The school will be closed from Friday 2pm, 12/23 until Tuesday 1/3. |
KSA LIBRARY NEWS Going on a cruise, visiting grandparents, or staying local? Please send photos of your child(ren) reading over the vacation, in any locale, for display on the board in the hallway outside the library. No names will be displayed, just the photos. Send pictures to Carol Bell. |
For your Birthday Parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rentals |
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