| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED  Dear Parents,
What a great week it has been--children are smiling and engaged in their classrooms, singing Hanukkah songs, and we had such a great time with new friends from the Reali School in Haifa who are visiting Boston this week and spending time with Prozdor. The Reali School is a private school in Haifa, so as part of their trip, they wanted to visit an American Jewish Day School. We had a special Shabbat assemly this morning where we sang and danced and then many of our guests visited classrooms and spoke with some of our children about life in Israel. Knowing that our own 8th graders will be traveling to Israel in just six weeks made the visit even more exciting! In other news, we are getting excited for our first-ever KSA spirit day. Our Student Council has been hard at work and wants everyone to wear their "KSA Purple" on Wednesday. We hope that everyone will participate in this first endeavor and that we will look forward to more exciting events in the future. Also next week, we have a lovely tradition in our school that we gather each day for an all-school candle lighting for Hanukkah. We will begin this on Wednesday afternoon, when we will light one candle together as a community, as an educational opportunity from the previous night (and it is not yet night time to light the next candle). On Wednesday and Thursday, the whole school will gather at 2:50; all students will be dismissed from the candle lighting on Wednesday and Thursday; students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will return to classes on Thursday. On Friday, we will light together at 1:50 and then dismiss from there. May this Hanukkah be filled with light for all of us!
Shabbat Shalom!
| KSA NEWS  Todah Rabbah to Bonnie Rubinstein for driving our December Family Table collection. |
Can You Smell the Latkes? KSA Hanukkah Home Celebrations...We are excited to celebrate Hanukkah again this year within the KSA community. We hope you'll join us. Please note date changes within the registration form attached here. Shabbaton 2012 Are you looking for a way to get involved in the KSA community? Do you want to become involved in one of the most fun events of the entire year? We are forming a committee to plan the Shabbaton which will take place at Camp Ramah New England from June 1 - 3. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful opportunity!! We would love to have your ideas and energy! |
RECRUITMENT Calling all KSA Siblings & Friends... If you have a sibling or a friend who will be eligible for next year's Gan Aleph, Gan Bet, or any other grade, please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn at smorgan@ksa-ne.org. Kindergarten and 1st Grade screening letters will be going out next week so please submit applications right away. Any questions about Recruitment and/or Admissions please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn at smorgan@ksa-ne.orgor call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. |
Please see the attached flyer...join us for a fun afternoon of song and spirit! Kol HaNeshama Jewish Day School Music Festival this Sunday, December 18th, at 4:00 p.m. at Gann Academy. 26 of our wonderfully talented 6th and 7th grade students will be singing!!!
Come hear why so many kids from KSA go to Camp Yavneh and love it!! Please join us, with your kids, at the home of Meira Primes and David Lieberman, 3 Knife Shop Lane in Sharon, on December 18th at 4:00 pm and we will show you why Camp Yavneh will be the camp your kids will love too! RSVP to Meira Primes - mprimes@yahoo.com. You can also call the Yavneh office at 617-559-8860. is hosting "Chanukah on Ice" @ Patriots Place on December 25th. Click on their website for more info: www.chanukahonicema.com. - PARENTING YOUR TEEN...THROUGH A JEWISH LENS
This eight-session program, offered at multiple convenient locations, fosters thoughtful discussion with a skilled facilitator. Click here for more information. - CAMP RAMAH IN NEW ENGLAND
Pros pective Families Meeting Come join us for a special opportunity to learn about all that Camp Ramah in New England has to offer! Hear directly from parents and staff members about the Ramah experience, and the impact it can have. Please join us for an informational meeting at the home of Lena and Cantor Gastón Bogomolni: 15 Richard Road, Needham, MA 02494, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, January 11th, 2012. For more information and to RSVP, please contact: Josh Edelglass, Assistant Director, at joshe@campramahne.org OR Cantor Gastón Bogomolni, at cantorgaston@templealiyah.com. Parents and children are welcome! |
| | | CALENDAR December 21 - 28 Hanukkah Picture Retake Day Wed Jan 11th @ 9:30 AM |  SCHOOL DELAY/ CANCELLATION INFO FOR 2011-2012 Click here |
AUCTION NEWS Buy your holiday gifts online and support our online auction! There are ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT to bid on the many items available. BID NOW!
Please note: In addition to items offered solely to our KSA community, Bidding for Good is a national organization appealing to bidders from all over the USA that want to support non-profits for a cause. |
STUDENT COUNCIL  On Wednesday, December 21st, we will be having an all school spirit day. We would like all students and staff to wear as much purple as possible on that day. Thank you so much! |
KSA LIBRARY NEWS The theme of the current library bulletin board is "KSA Students Read Everywhere!" Please send photos of your children reading over the vacation, in any locale, for display on the board in the hallway outside the library. No names will be displayed, just the photos. Going on a cruise, visiting grandparents, or staying local? We'd love to see where you read! Send pictures to Carol Bell. |
UPCOMING GAMES: Girls' Travel Mon 12/19 @ Home Boys' Varsity Tue 12/20 @ Home Thursday 12/22 Boy's practice OPTIONAL Congrats to the Boys' Varsity with a GREAT win over Rashi |
| | | For your Birthday Parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rentals For info contact |
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