| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED This week our Varsity Boys and our Junior Varsity Boys played the first basketball games of the season. Although only the JV team won their game this week, I am so proud of the way both teams played together, the way their coaches have been working with them, and the way in which they represented our school on the court. It was also wonderful to feel the excitement throughout the whole school about the start of the season, the spirit of the game and the chatter among even our youngest of students that "KSA was playing the basketball game" and that "KSA won the game!" Organized activities such as sports are an important part of growing up for our students in the middle grades. The passion and the hard work that goes into becoming a team and forging bonds together are great life skills that will serve our children well in the future. Thank you to the players, the volunteer coaches, the parents who support the teams by coming to the games and driving, and to our students who enjoy the purple spirit of KSA! All of the games, both home and away, are listed on the school's calendar which can be found on our website. I encourage you to bring your children to a game and experience the magic of the KSA family! Shabbat Shalom! | KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: - The Goldberg family on Emily's upcoming Bat Mitzvah
Refuah Shelymah to: |
Hanukkah gift cards donations... For many years our school has been sponsoring children served by Family Table at Haunkkah time with gift cards to the major department stores . If you would like to participate this year, please click here to see the guidelines. Please let Marla Olsberg know if you plan to participate in this mitzvah so she can expect your generous gift. Deadline to pass in your gift card is Thursday December 8th. Can You Smell the Latkes? KSA Hanukkah Home Celebrations... Wednesday, December 21st We are excited to celebrate Hanukkah again this year within the KSA community. If you are able to open your home to 3 - 6 other KSA families, please contact Marla Olsberg by Tuesday, 12/6. You provide the HOME - we provide all the iINGREDIENTS for a fun celebration!! Shabbaton 2012 We're starting to organize the KSA Shabbaton which will take place June 1 - 3 at Camp Ramah New England. Presently we are forming a committee to help plan and implement this fun family event. We are looking to encorporate new ideas and get more people involved. Being involved in this group is a great way to form a stronger relationship with KSA families. Please be in touch with Marla Olsberg with any questions or to sign up. |
FALL FastTRACK Extended Day and Homework Club will be held during the week of December 5th-9th. The following Fall FastTRACK classes will hold make-up sessions (regular Fall FastTRACK class times) during that week as well: Monday-Sheer Arts Tuesday-Cooks and Books & Cartooning
Winter FastTRACK classes will be begin on Monday, December 12th. The Winter FastTRACK program book will be sent out by e-mail on Monday, November 28th. Please note that the deadline for registration will be Friday, December 9th. Thank you for your support of the FastTRACK program. |
| | COMMUNITY NEWS Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra's fall/winter concert will be this coming Tuesday, December 6, at 7:30 PM, at the Sharon Middle School Jewish Multiracial Hanukkah Party The Boston area chapter of the Jewish Multiracial Network (JMN) is hosting a Hanukkah party for Jews of color and their families on Sunday December 11 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Temple Israel, Boston. Click here for more information.  Temple Israel Sharon proudly presents A FESTIVAL of ISRAELI ART December 15 -18, 2011 For more information click here. Tiferet Center of Temple Israel Programs How to Create a Home-Based Jewish Healing Circle For Family, Friends and Ourselves Presenters: Susan Cetlin, Raphaella Stern Freilich, Susie Rosenwasser Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:50 - 2:50 pm Temple Israel - Sharon Free For more information click here. Art Workshop: Light Up Your Creativity Sunday, Dec. 18, 12:50 - 2:50 PM: Laura Rosenspan, noted artist leads this hands on workshop designed to enhance your appreciation of the artwork of the Safrai Gallery's Israeli artists; participants will make a project using fabric and threads to "paint" their own abstract contemporary art piece - inspired by the 8 lights of Chanukah - which can be used as a centerpiece, a challah cover or art to adorn their wall. Teens over age 14 welcome. RSVP by December 9.
| | *Cookie Dough Arrives on WEDNESDAY!!*  ALL cookie dough must be picked up this Wednesday between 2 - 5pm in the Gallery. We also have several EXTRA tubs of cookie dough for sale. If you missed out on the pre-orders, you may pick up some cookie dough on a first-come, first-served basis on Wednesday. (Click flier for more information) |
| CALENDAR December 5 - 8 Grade 6: TEVA Grade 7: ERB's PLEASE NOTE: NEW CHAIJINKS DATE April 22, 2012 Mark your calendars
Honoring Susan and Stuart Salzberg, KSA parents and well respected community members. |  SCHOOL DELAY/ CANCELLATION INFO FOR 2011-2012 Click here |
AUCTION NEWS we have added many exciting items to our Online Auction!  Support KSA and bid now!!! |
KSA ANNOUNCEMENTS Please be on the lookout in your youngest child's backpack for the new 2011-2012 KSA Family Directory. |
GAMES- Mon, 12/5 Varsity Boys @ Newton Schechter @ 3:30
Mon, 12/5 Travel Girls @ Newton Schechter @ 4:30 Thu, 12/8 JV Boys @ Home @ 4:30 Come by and cheer on our Hornets!!! ANY QUESTIONS: email sgreenberg@ksa-ne.org |
| | SPIRIT WEAR SAMPLES Samples of clothing with the KSA logo are located in the display case to the right of the tv monitor near the Pagoda entrance. To purchase KSA spirit wear, follow the link on the www.ksa-ne.org home page to the Lands End catalog or click here. |
| For your Birthday Parties and Mitzvot Rentals For info contact |
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