Thursday, December 1, 2011

Note from Nurse re: Lice

Kehillah Schechter Academy 

December 1, 2011


Dear Parents,

Several students in the 4th grade at Kehillah Schechter Academy have been found to have head lice.  Please do no be alarmed, as this is a common occurrence in schools.  Head lice are not a sign of unclean people or homes. Please read this entire letter and attachments, as even if your child is not in 4th Grade, s/he may be affected and we all need to be vigilant to prevent further spreading of lice.
Please take these precautions:
Check you child's hair for eggs (also called nits) Nits are tiny pearl-gray oval shaped specks that are attached to the hair near the scalp.  They are found primarily at the back of the neck, behind the ears and at the top of the head.


If you suspect your child has head lice, notify their PCP and ask for advice regarding treatment


Notify the school nurse if you child has head lice so that she can set up a screening process


Use the treatment that your PCP recommends.  After treatment, removal of nits is recommended by continually combing with a fine toothed, nit-removal comb. You will need to continue checking for lice/nits for at least 14 days from the most recent finding of live lice.


*Machine wash all washable and possibly infested items including sheets and blankets in hot  water.  Dry them in a hot dryer.


*Non washable items may be placed in a hot dryer for 20 minutes.


*Seal items that cannot be washed or dried in a plastic bag for 10 days.


*Don't forget to disinfect all combs, brushes and hair pieces by soaking items in hot, soapy water greater than 130 degrees F.


*Thoroughly vacuum rugs, upholstered furniture and mattresses.


*After your child has been treated, please see the school nurse before returning to the classroom


*Check for nits frequently for the next 14 days. If new live lice are found, launder all possibly infested items again.


Here is a link to the latest report from the American Academy Of Pediatrics on head lice:;126/2/392  



Click here for further instructions on checking and treating head lice.
Click here for a Fact Sheet on lice.

If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse at 781-769-5555



 Susan Barbato, RN

 KSA School Nurse

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