| Message from Mr. Medwed Dear Parents,  Life is good. I am sitting outside my room at Kibbutz Nachsholim overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Our 8th graders are hanging out with their new friends from Ironi Gimmel in Haifa, whom they met yesterday. By the time you read this, we will have watched the sun set while davening Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv and will have welcomed Shabbat together. The 8th grade Israel experience is a jewel in the crown of a KSA education. We have traveled the land from the east to the west and the north to the south. For our students, Israel is now a part of who they are as Jews. If you have not read our daily updates and seen our videos, I encourage you to visit our blog, ksa-ne.blogspot.com, and read about our travels. Within each blog, you will find links to each day's video. I am looking forward to returning to school next week and seeing everyone whom I have missed greatly. But until then, I will be enjoying the beauty of Israel and Shabbat with new friends and old, along the Mediterranean Sea. Shabbat Shalom! |
| KSA Parlor Meeting Wednesday, February 15, 8:00-9:30 pm At the home of Avi & Alanna Goldberg, 26 Babcock Street, Brookline The current KSA financial situation and plans to improve it. Goals for the meeting are transparency and community-building. By working on both together, we will reinforce and sustain our outstanding school and make it even better and stronger. Marc Medwed, Russ Lavoie (Director of Finance & Operations), Michael Agus, and additional Trustees will be in attendance to engage parents in a constructive conversation and provide the opportunity for questions and answers. Kosher refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to office@ksa-ne.org to let us know if you plan to attend. |
Admissions Update TUITION REFERRAL INCENTIVE Current parents who refer new students to KSA may be eligible to receive a generous tuition bonus for next year. Click here to read about our great tuition referral incentive! DISCOVER DAY SCHOOL Up to $18,000 of tuition assistance, over 3 years, is available to the first child in a family to attend Jewish day school in Gan Bet through grade 8. To find out if you qualify, go www.discoverdayschool.org  |
Family Table Volunteers Needed Two more drivers are needed for Sunday, March 4 to help deliver food for Family Table. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful family mitzvah opportunity! |
Support KSA Partners KSA Partners are local businesses who have agreed to donate a percent of their referral revenue to our school. Many are also offering discounts to our community. When you shop with them, mention KSA! Have you begun thinking about caring for your family's future? The law office of Alexis B. Levitt prides itself on providing its clients with the peace of mind that comes from having a plan in place when it comes to dealing with four closely related and highly specialized areas of the law: elder law, special needs planning, estate planning and Veteran's Benefits. 
Support our community "Partner" and at the same time protect those you love. Call Alexis at (781) 740-7269 Did you know Camp Maplewood and Boston Mortgage Solutions, LLC have agreed to donate a percent of their referral revenue to our school as KSA Partners? 9. To view the full list of KSA Partners and their services click here. |
February Fun Day at KSA Looking for something for your children to do on Monday, February 27 (no classes)? Register them for a day of supervised fun from 8AM - 3PM. Click here for more information. |
KSA Facility Rental Available
KSA space is available when school is not in session. Consider the Music Room, Gallery or Gym for birthday parties, b'nai mitzvah, organization meetings and other gatherings. |
For weather-related school delays or cancellations check the KSA website or Click here |
| | | | | Coming Up
FEBRUARY 12 Gr.8 returns from Israel
FEBRUARY 13 Boys JV Basketball 4:20 PM
FEBRUARY 14 Gr. 4 Milestone 8:00 AM
FEBRUARY 16 Basketball Purple v. White 4:30 PM For the full KSA calendar & more info about KSA, visit our website at: | Annual Campaign Donors We thank everyone who supported the 2011-2012 Annual Campaign through January 31. Please click for Donor List. |
Join the Chaijinks Host Committee Members will spread the word about Chaijinks (on April 22) and encourage community participation. Please let us know by sending an email to: chaijinks@ksa-ne.org, by February 16 to have your name reflected on the invitation. Be sure to tell us how you would like your name to appear. |
KSA News WELCOME Aurora Rees, our new 5th grader BARUCH DAYAN HA'EMET Our condolences to Beth Kassap on the loss of her mother, Mildred Kassap, grandmother of Emily Goldberg in Grade 7, and alumna Rebecca Goldberg |
Monthly Adult Discussion Group Are you interested in captivating current topics that raise relevant questions for the Jewish people? Do you want to hear or read about an array of Jewish voices? KSA is forming a monthly adult discussion group, using the "Sh'ma" online magazine as the basis of our thought provoking discussions, beginning after the February vacation. Please contact Marla Olsberg for more details and your availability. |
Boys Varsity Basketball End the Season in First Place! Congratulations to the KSA Boys' Varsity Basketball Team for finishing the regular season of the Boston area Jewish Day School League (JDSL) in first place with a 7-1 record. The Hornets will enter the JDSL Tourney as the #1 seed. Root for them when they play at Gann on March 4. |
| | Community News YAVNEH OPEN HOUSE Sunday, February 5 2 - 4 PM At a home in Sharon. Come hear why so many kids from KSA go to Camp Yavneh and love it! RSVP to Meira Primes at: mprimes@yahoo.com or the Yavneh office:617-559-8860. JCC MAGIC ARK SERIES: Doktor Kaboom! Monday, February 20 Performances at 11AM and 1PM
At the Leventhal-Sidman JCC, 333 Nahanton Street in Newton. Tickets are available online at: or call 617-965-5226. JOIN THE CAST OF LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC SHOWSTOPPERS YOUTH THEATRE: The Wizard of Oz For more information call 617-558-6486 or register online at: |
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