| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, How excited I am to be writing to you from Jerusalem, where we are having an incredible experience! Throughout this week, I will be updating the blog, http://ksa-ne.blogspot.com/, each day with what we are doing and some pictures of our activities and links to the video that Rabbi David creates for the trip each day. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so be sure to watch the video each day. By the time many of you read this, we will have already experienced the sun setting over Jerusalem as we welcomed Shabbat. I hope that your Shabbat will be as wonderful as I know ours will be. Shabbat Shalom!
| KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: - Efrayim Sperber and family on his becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Todah Rabbah to: - To all the KSA parents and teachers that helped our 8th graders raise money for the disabled Israeli soldiers - over $450 was raised
Condolences to: - Marlene Moyer and family on the loss of her father, Harry Rubitsky (alumnae Ilana '96, Shira '99, Davita '01 & Shoshana '05)
IMPORTANT GIVE OR GET CHANGE REMINDER · This year, Give or Get will no longer be counted toward parents' Annual Campaign contribution or associated benefit. As it is a fee, Give or Get is billed by the Business Office. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Spector at: sspector@ksa-ne.org or 781-769-5555 ext. 262 |
KSA PARLOR MEETING  Marc Medwed, Head of School, and Michael Agus, President of the Board of Trustees, invite you to attend a parlor meeting to discuss the school's financial situation and our plans to improve it. Please join us on Wednesday, February 15, 8:00-9:30 pm at the home of Avi & Alanna Goldberg, 26 Babcock Street, Brookline. Our goals for this meetings are transparency and community-building. By working on both together, we will reinforce and sustain this outstanding school and make it even better and stronger. In attendance will be Marc Medwed, Russ Lavoie (Director of Finance & Operations), Michael Agus, and additional board Trustees. We will answer any questions you have to the best of our ability and engage you in a constructive conversation. Kosher refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to office@ksa-ne.org to let us know if you plan to attend. |
KSA STAFF DAY FUN "FEBRUARY FUN"  Come join in the fun on Monday, February 27th from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (NO SCHOOL: KSA Professional Development Day). Click here for more information. |
COMMUNITY NEWS Yavneh Open House: Come hear why so many kids from KSA go to Camp Yavneh and love it!! Camp Yavneh is a co-ed overnight summer camp for children ages 8-16, located in Northwood, NH. Camp Yavneh offers terrific camp activities including swimming, sports, art, drama, dance and Judaic learning in a kosher, Shomer Shabbat environment. Our campers come from all denominations and backgrounds. Our unique Kaytana program is a 2 week first-time camping experience which is fully integrated into camp for first-time campers currently in grades 2-4. Please join us, with your kids, at the home of Meira Primes and David Lieberman, 3 Knife Shop Lane in Sharon, on Sunday, February 5th at 2:00-4:00 pm and we will show you why Camp Yavneh will be the camp your kids will love too! RSVP to Meira Primes - mprimes@yahoo.com. You can also call the Yavneh office at 617-559-8860. The JCC Magic Ark Performing Arts Series for Families Presents
Doktor Kaboom!
Special President's Day Performances
Monday, February 20
11am and 1pm
Doktor Kaboom, a zany brainy spikey haired scientist and sometimes rapper brings his interactive one-man science variety show to the JCC Magic Ark Series on Monday, February 20, 2012. Shows are at 11am and 1pm and tickets are $12 general admission. The Magic Ark Series is located at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC, 333 Nahanton Street in Newton. Tickets are available online at bostonjcc.org/magicark or by calling 617-965-5226. |
UPCOMING GAMES: Boys' 6th & 7th Grade Tue 2/7 @ Home 4:20 Mon 2/13 @ Home 4:20 Come support our Hornets!! |
FACILITY RENTALS For your Birthday Parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rentals |
| | | | | CALENDAR February 1 - 12 8th Graders in Israel |  SCHOOL DELAY/ CANCELLATION INFO FOR 2011-2012 Click here |
RECRUITMENT  Calling all KSA Siblings & Friends... If you have a sibling or a friend who will be eligible for next year's Gan Aleph, Gan Bet, or any other grade, please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn. Any questions about Recruitment and/or Admissions please contact Sandi Morgan Dunn or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. CLICK HERE to read about our great tuition referral incentive!! DISCOVER DAY SCHOOL Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors who have children from Gan Aleph to 8th grade and have never attended Jewish Day School that they may be eligible for a Discover Day School grant from CJP!!!  Tu B'Shvat Song and Story Hour Please join us for a fun-filled and educational morning at Kehillah Schechter Academy (formerly South Area Solomon Schechter Day School). The "Kehillah Kids" Tu B'Shvat Song and Story Hour for Preschoolers, Kindergartners, and Parents will include songs, stories, art projects, games, snacks, and more. Younger children are welcome! Wednesday, February 8th from 9:30-11:00 AM at Kehillah Schechter Academy, One Commerce Way, Norwood 02062.
This will include an information session and an optional tour of the campus.
Please RSVP to Sandi Morgan Dunn or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. Younger children are welcome! |
FAMILY TABLE We are now looking for 2 more drivers for Sunday, March 4th to help deliver food for Family Table. Please contact Marla Olsberg to get more information on this wonderful family mitzvah opportunity!! MONTHLY ADULT DISCUSSION GROUP Are you interested in captivating current topics that raise relevant questions for the Jewish people? Do you want to hear or read about an array of Jewish voices? We are trying to form a monthly adult discussion group using the "Sh'ma" online magazine as the basis of our thought provoking discussions. We would like to start this after February vacation. Please contact Marla Olsberg for more details and your availability. |
SUPPORT OUR KSA PARTNERS  Help strengthen our KSA community while you save $'s on valuable goods and services! KSA Partner businesses have agreed to donate a percent of their referral revenue to our school. Many are also offering discounts to our community. When you shop with them, mention KSA! Tova, from Tova's Catering, has agreed to donate a percentage of her profits to KSA. Whether you are throwing a party, or enjoying a catered Shabbat dinner, Tova's kosher catering services will take care of everything. Call 508-286-2242 and help support our community "Partners". In addition, check out Alef Bet by Paula and Coldwell Banker, 2 more examples of local companies who have agreed to support KSA when we use their services. We'd love to hear when you've patronized our partners. Please help spread the word! To view the full list of our Partners and their services click here. |
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