| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, So the weather finally seems to be appropriate for the time of year! While it is getting colder outside, things are definitely staying warm inside! In my blog post this week, I shared thoughts and reflections on a conference I attended recently. One of the sessions I talked about was on social networking and community. While walking around the school this week, I happened upon a lovely example of social networking and building community KSA style. As I was walking down the hall near the third grade classrooms, the smell of pizza was in the air. Not unusual since it was pizza day for lunch; what was unusual was the aroma in that part of the building, as lunch is eaten in the gym. As I turned the corner to see what was going on, imagine my delight when I saw all of the fourth grade girls sitting on the floor in the third grade classroom with one of their teachers from last year, having lunch together. This relationship between students and their teacher is not unusual--in fact is the norm in our school, as relationships between teachers and students have a profound impact on everyone. What was unique here was that it was all of the girls--even those who only came to the school this year. What a wonderful testament to our students and their current teachers for building such a strong classroom community where each child feels as though she has been here since the beginning. How special is our community! Shabbat Shalom!
| KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: - Sharon Jacobs and family on the birth of their granddaughter Eva Shoshana
- The Cooper family on Lauren's upcoming Bat Mitzvah
- The Lichtman family on Eli's upcoming Bar Mitzvah
Condolences to: - The Paskin family on the loss of Heather's father, Milton Levin
6th Grade Parents, We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 6th Grade parent meeting on Thursday, December 1st at 7:30 PM. Please click here for more information. FAMILY TABLE Thank you to Beth Kassup for delivering our November collection to Family Table. Our 7th Graders did a great job this month! Next up: 1st Grade!! |
KSA ONLINE AUCTION Mark your calendar for  Spend a night with celebs Great seats for the SOX! on the Red Carpet! Enjoy a hot air balloon ride! Feel the wind on the America's Cup!
Go to www.ksa-ne.org on Nov. 28th for all your holiday shopping and help us raise funds for our Annual Campaign. |
| | COMMUNITY NEWS Peri Smilow Concert Temple Israel of Sharon and the Sandra Gamm Memorial Fund for Music and Cultural Arts proudly present Peri Smilow, live in concert on Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 4:00 pm at Temple Israel, 125 Pond Street, Sharon. Click here for more information. Jewish Multiracial Hanukkah Party The Boston area chapter of the Jewish Multiracial Network (JMN) is hosting a Hanukkah party for Jews of color and their families on Sunday December 11 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Temple Israel, Boston. Click here for more information.  Temple Israel Sharon proudly presents A FESTIVAL of ISRAELI ART December 15 -18, 2011 For more information click here. |
| | | CALENDAR November 23 Noon dismissal (NO after school activities) November 24 & 25 NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! NOTE NEW DATE: May 2: Gallery Program, featuring guest speakers Kitty and Governor Michael Dukakis |  SCHOOL DELAY/ CANCELLATION INFO FOR 2011-2012 Click here |
KSA LIBRARY NEWS Thank you to all who supported our school book fair. I will be able to add many new books of interest to our library. Last day to turn in Book Fair orders is Monday, November 21st. We are hoping to distribute the first batch of books before Thanksgiving. Thank you to Vivian Rubenstein Podrid (cousin of Marilyn Sandperl) for donating copies of her mother's books, After the Holocaust and The Survivor In Us All to our school library. Feel free to drop in and check them out! |
All forms and the $118 fee are NOW DUE! Practices are starting, please keep an eye out for updates. |
For your Birthday Parties and Mitzvot Rentals For info contact |
| | SPIRIT WEAR AT KSA  Spirit Wear FAQ How large is the KSA logo on the Lands' End clothing? · 2.59 inches wide x 1.97 inches high. Where will the logo be placed? · Left side chest on all of the shirts · Lower left leg on shorts and athletic pants · Upper left leg on all of the pants, except athletic pants To purchase KSA spirit wear, follow the link on the www.ksa-ne.org home page to the Lands End catalog or click here. |
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