| | MESSAGE FROM MR. MEDWED Dear Parents, Another wonderful week at KSA! Our fourth graders, led by their teachers Sharon and Marilyn, created a meaningful assembly for our school for Veteran's Day which showcased so much of what gives us pride in our school, our students, and our country! By the time you read this, most of you will have completed your fall parent-teacher conferences and will no doubt be thinking about all that you talked about with your child(ren)'s teachers. Conference evenings and days are intense for us as educators and in many ways are much more tiring by the end of the process than a regular school day! However, we relish these opportunities to meet with each of you, to talk, to listen and to think together about our children, our most precious possessions. While these formal opportunities are important for communicating and understanding in greater detail all that is going on, I want to encourage everyone to use this opportunity as a springboard to more communication. Teaching and learning is a 24/7 endeavor and requires a team approach in order for it to be most successful, as when our kids experience the same expectations, hear the same language and see the same behaviors both in and out of school, they are more likely to take ownership of them and to make them their own. The best education for our students is a partnership--a joint effort from the school, the home, the shul, the camp, and the kehillah, the community. Together, we can shape the next generation of wonderful people. Thanks for entrusting your children to us and thanks for being our partner in this holy and awesome endeavor. Shabbat Shalom!
| KSA NEWS  Mazal Tov to: - The Bernstein family on Josh becoming a Bar Mitzvah
- Sharon Jacobs & family on the engagement of their daughter Leah, to Mark Hertzberg
Basketball Team SIGN-UPS NOW....... All forms and the $118 fee need to be returned by 11/16. |
COMMUNITY NEWS An invitation from Hebrew College Children of the Sun: An Israeli Vision and Reality November 15, 9:30-11 Today I am Woman For Bat Mitzvah aged girls at Temple Reyim in Newrton. This fun-filled afternoon for middle-school girls will be a great opportunity to meet each other, explore bat mitzvah around the world, create a craft project, and think about their own bat mitzvah experience. For more information click here. Sweet Sounds of GatewaysPlease come out Sunday, November 20 to hear for yourself the "Sweet Sounds" of Gateways. To learn more about "Sweet Sounds" or to RSVP, e-mail us at jane@jgateways.org, visit www.jgateways.org or give us a call at 617.630.9010. Peri Smilow Concert Temple Israel of Sharon and the Sandra Gamm Memorial Fund for Music and Cultural Arts proudly present Peri Smilow, live in concert on Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 4:00 pm at Temple Israel, 125 Pond Street, Sharon. Click here for more information. Community Hanukkah Gathering For over a decade, the Jewish Multiracial Network (JMN) has aimed to advance Jewish diversity through empowerment and community building with Jews of color and multiracial Jewish families. Click here to view the flyer detailing our Hanukkah party on Sunday December 11. |
| | | CALENDAR November 18 BEGIN 2:00 PM FRIDAY DISMISSAL NOTE NEW DATES: March 18: Chaijinks May 2: Gallery Program, featuring guest speakers Kitty and Governor Michael Dukakis | KSA LIBRARY NEWS School Book Fair Please look over your childrens' wish lists, make your selections, and send back the form with payment on Monday. The list of available books and order forms can be found on the school web site. Please note: You may order any book that Barnes & Noble sells, even if it is not on the list. Just write the title and author on the back side or second page of the order form. DVDs, CDs, games, and adult books can also be ordered. Preorder "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever" @ $13.95! |
For your Birthday Parties and Mitzvot Rentals For info contact |
KSA IN ON THE AIR! As part of our efforts to increase name recognition in the greater community for Kehillah Schechter Academy, we will be running an ad on WBUR 90.9 FM, the Boston University National Public Radio station. The 10-second spots will air once each day between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. We'll let you know if we are given a more specific time within this period. |
| | SPIRIT WEAR AT KSA  Spirit Wear FAQ How large is the KSA logo on the Lands' End clothing? · 2.59 inches wide x 1.97 inches high. Where will the logo be placed? · Left side chest on all of the shirts · Lower left leg on shorts and athletic pants · Upper left leg on all of the pants, except athletic pants To purchase KSA spirit wear, follow the link on the www.ksa-ne.org home page to the Lands End catalog or click here. |
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