Monday, November 14, 2011

Business Office Update II

Kehillah Schechter Academy

November 14, 2011


Dear Kehillah Schechter Academy Parents, 

Earlier today, I wrote to you about a staffing change in our business office. As you know, KSA families continue to endure tough economic times which, in turn, generates a negative impact for the school. In this climate, the business office plays an ever more critical role in the day-to-day administration as well as strategic planning for the future economic health of the school. As the head of the business office, the newly created position of Director of Finance and Operations is a key strategic position for our school, and we have worked diligently to find the right person for our school at this juncture.


It is my pleasure, to welcome Russell Lavoie as our new Director of Finance and Operations.  Russ will be joining our team as of tomorrow. Russ was most recently the CFO of a high tech company for 19 years and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with financial infrastructure, planning and customer relations. We are excited to have Russ bring his skills to our school and we look forward to having him get to know us.


Russ will work closely with Sandy Spector and Ellen Powell, each of whom will continue in their current roles, providing continuity for our office as we undergo this transition.


As Russ becomes acclimated to our community, please be sure to reach out and welcome him, as he works together with his team to redevelop our business office so that it can best support the mission of our school: the education of our children. On another note, listen to WBUR this week from 6am - 10am to hear our newest advertisement as we work to get our school's name out in the Greater Boston community.

As always, please do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions or concerns.


Kol tuv,


Marc Medwed
Head of School
Kehillah Schechter Academy


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