Dear Parents: We are continuing to work on making our morning drop-off a safe and pleasant experience. Although we previously announced that all students and parents had to use the Pagoda doors during drop off (prior to 8:15 AM), we are making some changes based on the feedback we have received. Moving forward, all students being dropped off must continue to enter through the Pagoda Doors. As per the KSA Handbook instructions, please pull up to the end of the drop off lane, (near the outdoor basketball court),and wait for a Kehillah staff person to open the car door and help your child/ren out. Do not get out of your vehicle, it slows down the 'drop-off" process and increases the opportunity for accidents to occur. Do not double-park so that your child must walk behind another car to get to the sidewalk. ACCOMPANIED STUDENTS: If a parent wishes to park in a designated parking space, and accompany their child(ren) into the school, they may use the front entrance while escorting their child(ren) into the building. Please note that students cannot be dropped off at the front door! 2 Additional Reminders......... Please be sure to read the weekly KSA Friday Announcements because they contain a great deal of important KSA information, reminders and news. Also, don't forget to check out the Classroom Blogs to see what is happening in your child's class! They can be found on our website, or by clicking here. Parents of students in Grades 2-4: We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday evening at 7 PM for the Grades 2-4 Back to School Night! As always, any questions, please feel free to contact us. Kehillah Schechter Academy phone- 781-769-5555 or e-mail or |