| Message from Mr. Medwed... | Dear Parents, I am writing to you today about birthday parties. Birthday parties are such a wonderful part of growing up--kids look forward to doing fun things with their friends and for their chance to be in the spotlight on their special day. Different families have established wonderful traditions around birthday celebrations--what is great is how excited our kids are about their birthdays. Birthday parties are also about community. They are a chance for our children to create a community of their peers outside of the school setting, and together, to develop lasting memories of fun and friendship. As a school, we encourage the celebration of birthdays and are excited to honor kids' birthdays in school with in-class celebrations and posting their picture on KSA-TV (our new screens in the entry ways of school). Celebrations outside of school are obviously private affairs of families, but when classmates are invited, they become something which the school community is a part. To this end, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of our school's policies and guidelines for the thoughtful planning of birthday celebrations. These policies and guidelines will continue to help us build our warm and welcoming KSA Kehillah (community) and to strive to not exclude people by being sensitive to these values of Jewish living. Being part of a warm, welcoming community designed with Jewish values is a key reason so many of us chose KSA for our children, and we hope everyone will plan birthday parties which similarly reflect the value of inclusion of all members are community. We ask that birthday parties not be scheduled on Shabbat or Yom Tov. By avoiding these days and times right before and right after, it makes it possible for more kids to attend and to celebrate with their friends. We ask that all food served at birthday parties be certified Kosher. By serving food that is certified Kosher, all children are able to eat the food. While it is desirable to serve food that is appropriate for kids with allergies, we recognize that this might not always be possible and we ask that you communicate with other parents as to what you will be serving so that kids are not put in an uncomfortable situation. We are always happy to be a resource for those parents who are trying to find a birthday party venue open on a Sunday or who are looking for kosher pizza or birthday cake, as our goal is to support all of us in making our community celebrations accessible to everyone. Please do not hesitate to be in touch with us if you have any questions. Shabbat Shalom Marc Medwed |
KSA...FYI | Be sure to check out our new website at www.ksa-ne.org and look for the class blogs to see what's happening in your child(ren)'s classroom! Also, be sure to like our page on Facebook. ...we do, and we want to direct your mail to the correct location in the most efficient manner! Please note on all communications the department you need your mail sent to...Business Office, Fast Track, KSPO, etc. Thank you! - IMPORTANT DROP OFF & PICK UP INFORMATION FOR OUR STUDENTS SAFETY:
AM DROP OFF: All students must enter the school through the "Pagoda Door Entrance" (the doors closest to the gym). After 8:15 AM these doors will be locked and all late students must enter through the main entrance doors where they will be issued a late pass. PM PICK UP: All students are dismissed at the "Pagoda Door Area" with the exception of the Gan Aleph & Gan Bet students who are to be picked up at their classrooms. Please drive slowly and with caution whenever you are in the school parking lot. Please do NOT park in the bus lane during drop off or pick up times. The school photographer is coming to KSA in October. All students will be photographed in a group class photo. If you wish to purchase individual photos, or just purchase a copy of the class photo, be sure to return the school portrait order form that is being sent home today. Forms are due back by 9/23/11. Class photos and individual portraits will be taken on Tuesday, October 4th for grades GA - 5 and on Wednesday, October 5th for grades 6 - 8. is looking for a 12 - 15 cu. ft. refrigerator. If you have one to donate or know someone who may, please contact the school office at 781-769-5555. Thanks! | | Mark Your Calendar | September 20 Back to School Night Grades Gan Aleph - 1 September 21 Antil Bullying Forum postponed to later in the year September 22 Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 PM September 28 - 30 NO SCHOOL: Rosh Hashanah October 4 - 5 School Photos October 7 NOON DISMISSAL: Yom Kippur October 10 SCHOOL IS OPEN - Columbus Day | KSA Community News | - Happy Birthday to Rita
- Mazal Tov to the Cohen family (Jane, former Head of our School) on the upcoming marriage of their daughter, alumna Sara to Mike Onufer
KSA FastTRACK | There are still limited spaces available for fall FastTRACK. Click here to see the brochure of available afterschool activities and classes. Kathy Kats' "Cooking Classes" on Tuesday and Wednesday have been combined into one class for lower (3rd & up) and middle school students on Wednesday from 3:10 - 4:10. Please email smorgan@ksa-ne.org if you are interested in signing up. | KSA Hornets Basketball | The KSA Hornets Basketball preseason clnlics (Grades 6 - 8) begin the week of September 18th! For more information and to sign up Click here. If you have any other questions please contace Steve Greenberg at sgreenberg@ksa-ne.org.
KSA Recruitment & Admissions | KSA siblings and their friends are invited to join us for a fun-filled and educational morning at Kehillah Schechter Academy. The "Kehillah Kids" Rosh Hashanah Song and Story Hour for Preschoolers, Kindergartners, and Parents will include songs, stories, art projects, games, snacks, and more. Younger children are welcome! Thursday, September 22nd from 9:30-11:00 am at Kehillah Schechter Academy, One Commerce Way, Norwood 02062 This will include an information session led by Marc Medwed and an optional tour of the campus. Please RSVP to Sandi Morgan Dunn at smorgan@ksa-ne.org or call 781-769-5555 ext. 204. Please suppport our school by forwarding this to friends and members of the greater community! Click here to view the flier. |
KSA Family Education | There are lots of opportunities to become involved at KSA through Family Education. Sukkot will be here sooner than you think. Please click here to purchase a Lulav and Etrog. (Forms are due on October 3rd.) In addition, we are excited to hold our 5th community Sukkot celebration, Sukkot Sunday on Sunday, October 16th. We are looking for more host families- please click here to see the information about hosting. All host families have loved doing this (we have many repeat families) and it is great way to get to know your grade level families. Family Table- Boston's Jewish community response to hunger. We participate in a monthly collection by providing 60 cans of Kosher soup and 60 cans of vegetables. If you are interested in delivering click here to see the Family Table volunteer sign up. |
KSA Institutional Advancement | KSA ONLINE AUCTION Our 5th annual online auction will begin on November 28. Proceeds from the auction support the Annual Campaign which help cover the cost to provide an education for each child and also enable the school to offer tuition assistance to those families who could not otherwise send their children to KSA. We need your help to secure items for the auction to either: · Donate something yourself (or ask your mother, father, cousin, colleagues or friends who have access to an appropriate item) OR · Volunteer to collect items from local stores/businesses (we'll provide a list for you). Examples of items we could use include (but are not limited to): - Tickets to sporting events, musical productions, concerts, movies, airlines, hotels;
- Fitness or tennis/golf/country club memberships;
- Gift items such as jewelry, electronics, sports memorabilia, etc.;
- Gift cards or gift certificates;
- Use of a vacation home or timeshare property;
- Professional services such as financial planning, accounting, or legal counsel.
To contribute an item(s) or to find out more about asking others to do so, please contact Sara Goodwin at 781-769-9400 or email auction@ksa-ne.org. |
Community Events | Camp Ramah Family Day @ Camp Ramah in New England Sunday, September 25th 12:00 - 4:00 Click here for details! It's never too late to learn Hebrew! Have you struggled to learn Hebrew and wished there was a better way? Would you like to study Conversational Hebrew?Have you ever wished you could help your son or daughter with their Hebrew homework?Have you ever wished you could have studied text and discuss it in Hebrew? The Ulpan program in Hebrew College is pleased to offer conversational classes once a week or twice a week. For those who like to use distant learning we offer online courses as well. Classes begin in the week of September 19. For more information and registration please contact Tzilla Barone at (617)559-8812 or tbarone@hebrewcollege.edu "A Night to Remember" The Memory Room, a non-profit organization created by two former parents from our school, Francie Minder and Pam Abrams-Warnick is holding a fundraising event. The Memory Room, "Nurturing Families After the Loss of a Child," has been designed to provide support and creative outlets for bereaved families in the South Shore area. Click here for details. |
| Be sure to visit our website for the most up-to-date information: |
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