| Message from Mr. Medwed  Dear Parents, What an incredible week it was here at school! As you saw from the email and the video that we sent you yesterday, we had an amazing Purim celebration in school! If you missed the video, click here to view it. We have so much to celebrate and enjoy in our school community. It has been almost a month since our 8th graders returned from Israel. As part of the follow up to the trip as well as one of the ways we integrate that experience across the curriculum, our students wrote reflective essays about their experiences. Please check out the blog to read some of the essays our students wrote. I will be adding a new essay each day for the next few days as well, so enjoy the reading and feel free to comment on the blog--we would love to engage our students in the thinking and writing they have done! Next week we have a regular week of school and are looking forward to seeing everyone back on Monday morning--don't forget to change the clocks! Shabbat Shalom!
| Announcing Open Registration for KSA's Sheer Arts, SMART & ALL SPORTS Programs! |
Lost & Found  A 4th Grader has lost his North Face grey jacket. We believe another child may be wearing it/took it home as their own, as a similar North Face jacket was in the Lost & Found that was NOT Matthew's. Parents: Please check your child's coat to see if, indeed, it is your child's. The initials "MG" might be on the label, or some other area on the inside of the jacket. Thanks for helping us solve this mystery! Please contact the office if you find it. |
KSA News MAZAL TOV To Miriam Klausner & family on the recent marriage of her son, Moshe to Rachel Epstein |
Support KSA Partners  KSA Partners are local businesses who have agreed to donate a percent of their referral revenue to our school. To view the full list of our Partners and their services click here. Now through April 16th, 2012, each box of gourmet Matzel Toff!, Matzel Bits! and/or Holy Macaroon! purchased (any variety and any size) online at www.matzeltoff.com will earn us 30%. The more you buy, the more KSA raises. Available Kosher for Passover* and certi-fied KOF-K! IMPORTANT: For KSA to receive credit, you must use the following code on all orders: KSAM *Orders must be received by March 30, 2012 for delivery to be guaranteed for first seder. |
Grandparents & Special Visitors Day - MAY 18, 2012 An important flyer was sent home with your child having to do with this special annual event. Click here for flyer and please return to the Institutional Advancement Office completed before March 16. Thank you. |
It's Not Too Late to Register Stop & Shop Cards!  KSA earns cash when you register your Stop and Shop card and shop at either Stop and Shop or Peapod. Your participation can make a difference. If you haven't already done so, please registeryour Stop and Shop card to benefit KSA at www.stopandshop.com/aplus and enter ID # 06954. Program runs through March 29. |
Community News  LOOKING FOR ADMISTRATORS & DEPARTMENT SPECIALISTS AT CAMPS PEMBROKE, TEL NOAR & TEVYA SUMMER 2012 SHARANSKY AND SAFAM HIGHLIGH SUNDAY'S LECTURE The Synagogue Council of Massachusetts is proud to announce that Natan Sharansky, the iconic symbol of the Soviet Jewry movement and current Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), will deliver the 9th annual Connie Spear Birnbaum Memorial Lecture. The Boston-based SAFAM, with their unique Jewish-American sound, will perform several numbers that evening. Sharansky's talk, entitled "Risks to Our Future: Together We Can Win!," will take place this Sunday, March 11th at 7:30 pm at Congregation Mishkan Tefila, Chestnut Hill (doors open at 7:00). For further details, visit www.synagoguecouncil.org or call 617-244-6506. JOIN THE CAST OF LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC SHOWSTOPPERS YOUTH THEATRE: The Wizard of Oz For more information call 617-558-6486 or register online at: bostonjcc.org/register. |
| For weather-related school delays or cancellations check the KSA website or click here. |
| | | | Coming Up March 14 6th Grade Milestone Event 8:00 AM MARCH 16 1st Grade Milestone Event 8:00 AM RESUME 3:00 FRIDAY DISMISSAL For the full KSA calendar & more info about KSA, visit our website at: ksa-ne.org. | Spring Parent Teacher Conferences Wednesday, March 21st 4:00 - 8:00 PM Thursday, March 22nd 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
In order to schedule a conference you must register. Click here to register. |
SAVE THE DATE CHAIJINKS April 22, 2012  Click logo for more info Honoring Susan and Stuart Salzberg, KSA parents and well respected community members. |
FastTRACK Dear Families, Thank you for your support of Winter FastTRACK, which will end on Friday, March 16th. The following week (March 19-23) will be a make-up week should any classes need the extra session. Extended Day and Homework Club will run as usual that week. Spring FastTRACK will begin on Monday, March 26th. THE SPRING FastTRACK Program Book and Registration Packet will be sent out today, Friday, March 9th. Registration will be due no later than Thursday, March 22nd!! Click here for the spring FastTRACK brochure. Click here for the spring FastTRACK calendar. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Sandi Morgan Dunn at smorgan@ksa-ne.org.  |
KSPO Day with the Providenc e Bruins Sunday, March 18 at 4:05 pm Tickets: $15 Click here for more info Ticket purchases have been extended until March 13th. |
KSPO Hot Lunch Session 4 Sign Up to Begin Monday, March 12. Please visit the KSA website and click on the hot lunch link. Menu items are the same - pasta, chicken sandwich, hamburger and pizza. Session 4 runs from April 17 through June 14. If you would like to volunteer to help serve lunch, no experience necessary, please contact Sheryl Katzman at hotlunch@ksa-ne.org.
| | | KSA Facility Rental Available
 KSA space is available when school is not in session. Consider the Music Room, Gallery or Gym for birthday parties, b'nai mitzvah, organization meetings and other gatherings. |
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